Tuesday, April 17, 2012

War Child

In my research I can’t help but notice the child element during the Civil War.  Some scholars have even referred to the Civil War as the war “fought by boys.”
One of the stories involving “boys as soldiers” took place at the Battle of Shiloh.  The story goes that during the chaos a drummer boy picked up a rifle, then shot and killed a Colonel.  Apparently this was the first recorded incidence of a child behaving as a soldier.  Throughout the conflict there would be other situations in which boys would have to “kill or be killed”.

1 comment:

  1. This picture gives a feeling of anticipation. It makes me think of the many men who gave their lives for their country and for their beliefs. I also like the young boy on the right side - It makes me think of the the many young lives then and today that are casualties of war. A very thought provoking piece.
